D.H. Lawrence (Irreducible Otherness Of The Natural World)

The other person can't know anything about you but what you let them know
Observe what’s occuring, it’s all running down the drain.
A slowly blooming flower in a busy street, people, cars, the world passing by in flashes

Open your mouth wide, let me feed you, let me teach you
An almost aimless, cynical sigh

Relate to his sense of hopelessness and desperation -
To universally sigh together, 
So we can 
(two things which are so intricately connected)
Something more than just the common weed

A flower grown crooked, it’s a dream shattered.

You don’t want to know. It’ll only blow your mind. A harsh warning. Just attempt to do your best in repairing the damages.
A pure feeling of desperation.
All those people gazing at him, helpless, in need, unguided.
...Tendency to perceive the world as an ocean.
Humans as fish in the sea
Pointless Jellyfish, with their apathetic, pointless life, swim by, while he rushes past.


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