...Immersed in his work and ignoring her; in stark contrast to his obssession with her

Não Me Abandone Jamais
[Naquele momento - Minúsculos minutos são dias
No memento mori - O resto dos rasgos temporais são uma eternidade inacabada]

Meaningless, meaningless cycles
You're both in exactly the same place it's so perfect
But more often then not... it's over before it began - somehow life gets in the way and it all slips away]

You don't know, you don't know
Then again, what is a relationship with another person other than a relationship with yourself?

Todo final feliz tem dias após o final feliz
Apavorado pelo silêncio, ele preencheu o ar com palavras
Esperto o suficiente para reconhecer os próprios fracassos
Mas relutante ou incapaz de dar os passos necessários para consertá-los

You can't
The truth


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